What is Familink?
Familink is an Exclusive offering from Blairware Technology. It enables modern, hectic families to "come together"
via many of the new technolgies exploding into the marketplace. While many people know or at least have heard about some of
these technologies, they don't see any practical, cost effective applications of these tools in their own lives.
Blairware simplifies the prospect of using advanced, High-Tech tools to improve daily life, and to allow families to
communicate, entertain, and just plain have fun using these modern tech-toys and serivices.
Always thought it would be fun to have a instant video conversation with your kids from the office? How about keeping
the grandparents happy with new digital photos on a regular basis, in their living room, on a LCD screen, with no more effort
than snapping, pluging in, and picking a few favorites off your camera.
These are just a few examples of techie tools we can set up for you so you can have the benefit of
using cool technology, without having to become a geek. (You might forseeably become a tad more "geeky" however, but this
is merely a side-effect.) If it persists more than two weeks, see your Blairware Family physician... er that's TECHNICIAN!
Want to know more? Contact us today to find out what technolgy could bring to your family with Familink Service.
Only available from Blairware Information Technology Systems.